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Art and the Esoteric

Technoetic Film Rites by Lila Moore consists of astral projections and double consciousness born of scrying in the cyber-ether, and commuting via mini wormholes in the dark matter of consciousness. It unfolds the oracle of moon_files, a daimon dancer seeking technological manifestations and hybrid love.

The visual filmic narrative arises from women’s dark and silent, ancient and remote presence. It represents a radical aesthetic stance, social and cultural resistance to types of oppression we are so accustomed to that we hardly recognise them. The piece is informed by Maya Deren’s ritualistic form in film and art and inspired by Moina Mathers’ scrying and astral projection techniques.

Mediums & aesthetics: screen-dance, art film, networked-rites, cyber-performance.

The presentation is part of Conjuring Creativity @ Fylkingen in Stockholm, 23rd October, 2022.

The event is curated and produced by Geraldine Hudson with Dr. Christian Giudice.

In this presentation, Lila Moore talks about her body of works and the intersection of art and esoteric, magickal practice.


Friday – Opening Reception 6 -10pm

Viviana Druga (opening ritual)

Julia Adzuki – Ashes to Ashes


Freyja Eilíf Draumland – The Artist as a medium: Clairvoyant timeline drawings offered throughout the event

10 am -1pm The future is the past is the future

Dr Jenny Butler – Confluences and Divergences: Where Folklore Meets Esotericism in the Work of WB Yeats and Æ

Helen Bremm – Leonora Carrington, Alchemy and an Ecocentric Model of Art Making

Dr Sasha Chaitow – Κατά τον δαίμονα εαυτού: Reshaping Hellenism without the Greeks

Dr Nina Kokkinen – Questioning the Seekers. Reflecting the Esoteric in Art from the late 19th Century to the Present

lunch 1-2 pm

2:30 – 4:30pm Contemporary Currents – practices for individual navigation

David Beth – Restoring Balance: Initiation and the Modern World

Dr Georgia Van Raalte – Babalon Theology in the Anthropocene

Jens Nässtrom – Paving the Road to Enlightenment with Your Own Corpse

30 min break

5 – 7 pm Magickal Topography

Dr Andrew Fergus – Contours, strata, stories: Layers of meaning making and magic in the landscape

Dr Chris Giudice – The Battle Against Leviathan: Anarcho-Primitivist Dialectics and Klagesian Biocentrism as a Basis for a 21st Century Rewilding of Occultism

Dr John Cussans

8 – 11pm

Dr Per Faxneld

(with Myling Ensemble)

Orryelle Defenestrate – Coagula

The Wooden Body


Sunday open from 10am

10:30 – 1pm

Intersections of Art and the Esoteric

Dr Cavan McLaughlin -Ecologies of Otherness

Dr Lila Moore – Technoetic Film Rites

Dr Moira Jean Sullivan – Maya Deren – The Artist as Magician: The Logic of Magic

lunch (1-2pm)

after lunch short film screenings (with breaks)

2 – 4pm

Geraldine Hudson/Joachim Nordwall

NKK – magickal activist art collective (screening and presentation)

Maria Joranko – Benevolent Bentonite

Patricia Brien/Su Fahy – Performing resistance: Magnoxia’s waters

Rieko Whitfield – Regenesis: An Opera Tentacular

Tom Bogaert – Pepsi, Cola, Water? (2015) Sun Ra in Egypt 1971

Una Hamilton Helle/Verity Birt – Deep England

break 4 –5 pm

5 – 7pm

the artist as medium

Lisa Jeannin – Spagyria processes

Aron Birtalan – A Tear for the Devout to Fondle and Kiss

Freyja Eilíf Draumland – The Artist as a medium: Clairvoyant timeline drawings

closing Gong Bath – Lisa Jeannin 8pm


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