I am thrilled to be participating in Conjuring Creativity III: Inhabiting Esoteric Ecologies as both an artist-filmmaker and scholar. This unique gathering aspires to be a democratic, rhizomic event, bringing together esoteric practitioners, artists, and writers for a dynamic exchange of ideas and visions.
In the spirit of cross-disciplinary exploration, discussion, and practice, the event will unfold through performative presentations, workshops, and an art film program on March 15–16, 2025, in London.
Conjuring Creativity III is a not-for-profit, artist-run conference that hosts a diverse range of workshops, performances, and talks led by artists, practitioners, writers, and educators. To ensure accessibility, tiered ticket options are available.
✨ This is a fully oral and embodied event—talks, workshops, and performances will not be digitally recorded. There is an undeniable vitality in experiencing these exchanges in real-time, benefiting both speakers and participants in an atmosphere of creative cross-pollination.
Capacity is limited to allow all attendees full access to the workshops, performances, and talks. If you wish to join, secure your ticket as soon as possible to avoid disappointment!
See programme and info via the link below:
The film programme for
Alexandra Crowthers @alexa_crwrs
Gast Bouschet @gastbouschet
Jannike Brantås @jannikebrantas
Jim Carter @hailglower
Judith Noble #judithnoble
Lila Moore @cybernetic_entitie #LilaMoore
Rosie Dahlstrom @comfort_me_with_apples
Su Fahy/Patricia Brien @memoryartpalace @patricia_brien
Una Hamilton Helle. @uncashh
Whitefeather Hunter @astrodesia
More in-depth film information coming shortly.