Cybernetic Futures
Online Art Exhibitions
Digital Poems of Ritual Magick
Conceived and Created by
Lila Moore
Artist Statement
Digital Poems of Ritual Magick reflect an emerging 21st century movement of feminist witchcraft that arises from women's dark and silent, ancient and deep, isolated existence. It represents a radical aesthetic stance, social and cultural resistance to types of oppression we are so accustomed to that we hardly recognise them.
Digital poetry of ritual-magick is to speak the magickal thought-forms, to survive birthing them through our bodies and minds although we weren't meant to outlast.
Written, Filmed and Edited by Lila Moore, PhD
© 2018 - 2024 Dr Lila Moore, All Rights Reserved
The Digital Poems of Ritual Magick Collection continues to evolve.
Scroll down to view new poems' trailers
Exhibitions & Presentations
Digital Poems of Ritual Magic was screened, presented and published as part of the groundbreaking and historic Magickal Women Conference
1 June, 2019 in London.
You may want to glimpse Skull’s brief trailer.
In 1984, the text of Skull was written to serve as a soundtrack for a live multimedia performance named Radiated Water by Lila Moore. Today, the exact text is a part of a contemporary digital poem of ritual magick. These poems appear randomly, almost like automatic writing, and there can be multiple versions of them.

The Vision Archive

Technoetic Rites of Astral Projection and Double Consciousness by Lila Moore

In this featured image from one of Lila Moore's early multimedia performances in the 1980s, the characters dissolve into the urban environment, reflecting their shattered psyches. The character on the left side of the picture is Lila Moore. Read more on The Vision Archive

The Vision Archive
The Vision Archive is an ongoing documentation process of artworks, artist statements, manifestos, academic articles, and monographs by Dr. Lila Moore. The documents are assembled on ADA—The Archive of Digital Art and Dr. Lila Moore’s websites.