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By Beauty Maker of

HerStory Faces


Selfie-Resurrect by Lila Moore, 2019



Lila Moore


I touch the faces of the invisibles, the ones that fooled time, a touch of rose blush, a touch of lip balm, a touch of eye shadow, a soft touch of velvet makeup for everlasting beauty…

I apply mascara to highlight the eyes that look at me and you from beyond the terrestrial limits of space-time, life and death as we know them.


My Magic Wand is an Instant Beauty app. It identifies HerStory from HerStory, adding a unique up-to-date persona to each of HerStory, making HerStory glam like an Influencer.

All of my clientele, as you can see, were great influencers back in the day. My magical makeup scheme, though, free to download, is a specialised selfie brand. The brand is known by the name, Selfie-Resurrect. It indeed resurrects a face-story when it becomes invisible, when the body and face are fully porous and back in the Cosmos. Then, I make the magic available. The service will be usually applied several centuries down the line.


We have all the time in the world… our faces last…

Selfie-Resurrect by Lila Moore, 2019
Selfie-Resurrect by Lila Moore, 2019
Selfie-Resurrect by Lila Moore, 2019


The original paintings were photographed and manipulated as selfie with beauty apps by Lila Moore, 2018-2019


 List of Original Portraits @ National Portrait Gallery, London & British Museum


Lady Anne Clifford, 14th Baroness de Clifford (1590 –1676) was an English peeress. She was a patron of literature and as evidenced by her diary and many letters was a literary personage in her own right. Painted by William Larkin. 


Angelica Kauffman (1741 – 1807), was a Swiss Neoclassical painter who had a successful career in London and Rome. She was one of the two female founding members of the Royal Academy in London in 1768. Painted by Angelica Kauffman.


Mary Moser (1744 - 1819), was a painter and a founding member of the Royal Academy, Painted by George Romney. 


Catharine Macaulay (1731 –  1791),  was an English Whig republican historian. Painted  by Robert Edge .


Anne Seymour Damer (1749-1828), was a sculptor. From The Three Witches from Macbeth by Daniel Gardner.


The Samian Sibyl by  Guercino, (1651).


Lady Elizabeth Craven ( 1750 – 1828), was an author and playwright, perhaps best known for her travelogues. Painted by Ozias Humphry.


A Sphinx – Ancient Greece, British Museum


Online Exhibition: "the porous body" curated by Peripheral Forms - Jah Justice

31 March - 14 April, 2019

Beauty Maker of Her-Story Faces is the name behind the mysterious brand Selfie-Resurrect.


It resonates "the porous body" digital-cyber-networked-performative art exhibition as a way of answering "where is the body porous and where does it coagulate?"  

Beauty Maker of Her-Story Faces is seeking greater, ceremonial meanings in the work of a beauty blogger.

Beauty Maker of Her-Story Faces specializes in rebel women's portraits; women who have fooled Time and History through their-Story Faces. 

These women are porous, 
morphogenic thought-forms, 
covert in the folders of space-time like digital mummies, 
preserved in digits of aesthetics and novelty. 


Beauty Maker of Her-Story Faces applies freshly prepared make-up to centuries-old cliental, utilizing porous cosmetics that conceal the aesthetics of history and maintain the perpetual persona of Her-Story Face.


Selfie-Resurrect everlasting is naturally a devotional service. 


Selfie Resurrect Online Exhibition by Dr Lila Moore

Tribute to Yva 1900 - 1944

Made in 2024

Tribute to Yva Selfie Resurrect by Lila Moore 2024.jpg

1865 - 1928

For more info: Moore, L. (2021), ‘Magickal visions of the ultra-modern woman: Reconsidering the feminine aesthetics of Moina Mathers and Maya Deren. In Making magic happen, Selected essays from the inaugural magickal women conference, 2019, (pp. 205-226). Magickal Women & Company Publications. 

 Moore, L.  (2019). Moina Bergson Mathers. Academic Profile. In Moore, R & Wessinger, C. (Eds.), Women in World’s Religions and Spirituality Project, Virginia Commonwealth University, 1-17.

More on Selfie

Moore, L. (2018). The transcendent double selfie app, In Honorato D and Giannakoulopoulos, A. (Eds.), Taboo-Transgression-Transcendence in Art & Science 2017 Conference Proceedings, Corfu: Ionian University, Department of Audio & Visual Arts, (pp. 229-236). ISBN 978-960-7260-60-4. 

Meet the Artist- Dr Lila Moore
© 2014-2025 Dr Lila Moore
  • Instagram

Postal address:

Dr Lila Moore

27 Old Gloucester St. Holborn

London WC1N 3AX


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